Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Your Taste in Music Probably Sucks

There seems to be two populations of music listeners - those who like Top 40, and those who don't. East is east, west is know the rest. I stumbled upon this little doozy of a presentation conducted at Ignite Tulsa. Basically, five minutes of why popular music sucks. Not much rationale, just a lot of "this sucks, that sucks, etc," which is fine, because the presentation works a lot better more in your face.

But, it raises a good point. Why do so many people only accept what's given to them on radio? I guess if you want to hear Ke$ha on the radio every hour on the hour, go for it. But try to venture out and listen to something new. Something that will never be on radio. Spend some time on Pitchfork. Maybe set a goal for yourself - listen to one new album every week from an artist you've never heard before. By next year, your Facebook "favorite music" section might look totally different.

My current "song I never thought I'd like but I kinda do"? "Mommy Complex" - Peaches

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