Monday, May 3, 2010

Reference Librarians Online...Whhhaaaaa????

In 28 years of humble existence, it never dawned on me that there would be someone online just waiting to answer trivia questions at my beck and call.

The New York Public Library (and, a quick Google search tells me, many other states) have online reference librarians available 24/7, willing to find answers to questions you may not be able to find yourself (or, don't want to find yourself). So, I decided to send a question. to the Library. I got instantly connected with a librarian (this was 10:45 at night), asked him/her my question, and got a thorough answer a couple minutes later. In case you were wondering, the Falkland Islands, although considered a part of South America, is not one of South America's official countries. Anyone I work with probably can guess why I'm asking this random question.

So, quite satisfied with my first online reference librarian experience. Real interaction with a knowledgeable person (or at least one with access to some fine Googling skills), cheaper than kgb, and convenient. Kudos.

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